Group Therapy

Lego Social Club
Drawing on the Lego Serious Play and Lego-based Counseling models, this group will work to build social competence through the use of legos. We will engage in project-based activities designed to encourage friendship and collaboration, emotion management/regulation, growth mindset, self-esteem, and mindfulness.
Fridays, 3:30 - 4:30pm
Ages 6 - 8 years old
$1500/10-week semester
Maximum of 4 kids per group
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Board Games Group
Board games are the perfect tool to introduce and teach social/emotional skills! Using classic games as well as new favorites, we will develop self-awareness, management of emotional responses, self-esteem, team work/collaboration, self-control, conflict resolution, making thoughtful decisions, and empathy.
Fridays, 4:45 - 6:15pm
Ages 9+ years old
$1500/10-week semester
Maximum of 6 kids per group
Apply NowFrom Chaos to Calm
The ability to self-regulate is critical for success in school, in relationships, and in life. Using the principles of DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) coupled with Executive Functioning Training and Sensorimotor Therapy, we will focus on the following skills: impulse control, emotional control, flexible thinking, working memory, self-monitoring, planning and prioritizing, task initiation, and organization. Group will utilize structured activities/teaching, games, and movement to teach skills. Participants will go home with concrete skills to practice throughout the week.
Saturdays, 10am - 12:30pm
Ages 7 - 10 years old
Maximum of 6 kids per group
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